Feather Plucking Fun
Keeping chickens is fun but every week throws up a new challenge. This week, we have been mostly trying to solve the mystery of the missing bum feathers.Turns out our dear Little Edie has been a-pluckin’ and a-chewin’ those feathers from the derriere of all three of her sisters. This is some perverse sibling rivalry! More likely though, a nutritional deficiency (which we will address).So here’s the Legend of Little Edie…Fastest Feather Plucker in the West.If you like these vids, you can find more at recovereden.com (link in bio).We can also do personalised videos featuring our animated menagerie to order. Just drop us a message.
Fracking Ban for UK
The government has called a halt to fracking in England with immediate effect in a what is perceived as a landmark victory for environmentalists and community activists. The decision came after new scientific evidence concluded it was not possible to rule out “unacceptable” consequences for those living near fracking sites. The same report (produced by the Oil and Gas Authority) also warned it was not possible to predict the magnitude of earthquakes fracking might trigger. Fracking, also known as hydraulic fracturing, involves pumping water, chemicals and sand underground at high pressure to fracture shale rock and release trapped oil and gas. The government will not agree to any future fracking “until compelling…
The REAL Cost of Fashion
The following contains excerpts from the article The Environmental Costs of Fast Fashion by Patsy Perry, 8 January 2018. It’s tempting to bow to fashion pressure and replace our clothing as style and conformity dictate. It’s hard to resist the tempting deals in the January and other sales. But how many of us spare a thought for the impact of fast fashion on the environment? Fast fashion focuses on speed and low costs. But the price of delivering frequent new collections inspired by catwalk looks or celebrity styles is a high one. Pressure to reduce cost and the time it takes to get a product from design to shop floor…
Meat IS Murder (for the environment)
The following contains excerpts from Avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on Earth by Damian Carrington in The Guardian 31 May 2018. Next time you console yourself with the thought that there is little you can do as an individual to alter the fate of the environment, consider this: avoiding meat and dairy is ‘single biggest way’ to reduce your impact on the environment. This assertion has been made by the scientists behind the most comprehensive analysis to date of the damage farming does to the planet. The new research shows that without meat and dairy consumption, global farmland use could be reduced by…