Who are We?

Follow Our Journey Here…

RECOVER EDEN logs the journey of a middle aged couple as they embark on a new life of self-sufficiency and sustainable living. We hope it will also serve as an online initiative to raise awareness, educate, inspire and promote positive action.

Our focus is the preservation of our environment and securing a sustainable and fulfilling future for all.

For many of us, these are times of unprecedented plenty. But they are also times of widening wealth inequity, natural resource depletion and destruction/corruption of natural habitats. Recent events including the COVID-19 pandemic and the rampant bushfires in Australia and other parts of the world have brought our relationship with nature under sharper scrutiny.

We are here to explore a new way.

Our intention is to create a model lifestyle hub where we will provide living examples of sustainability, permaculture and host courses in meditation and mindfulness, art and herbal remedies.

We would like to embrace technology in a positive way to foster change. Two such avenues would be via the creation of an Alexa/Google Assistant Skill and a Mobile Device App to provide environmentally friendly lifestyle guidance. These initiatives along with the upkeep of this website will require funding so we are appealing for support via Patreon. We are also selling original digital photography that exemplifies natural beauty and inspiring landscapes.

Here’s a link to a timeline of our journey so far

Please explore our site and join our mailing list. Thanks for your support.

Here’s to a better future.

Badby Woods
Let It Grow

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