• Blog,  Members

    Feather Plucking Fun

    Keeping chickens is fun but every week throws up a new challenge. This week, we have been mostly trying to solve the mystery of the missing bum feathers.Turns out our dear Little Edie has been a-pluckin’ and a-chewin’ those feathers from the derriere of all three of her sisters. This is some perverse sibling rivalry! More likely though, a nutritional deficiency (which we will address).So here’s the Legend of Little Edie…Fastest Feather Plucker in the West.If you like these vids, you can find more at recovereden.com (link in bio).We can also do personalised videos featuring our animated menagerie to order. Just drop us a message.

  • Recovering eden,  The Bad,  The Ugly,  Wet Woodland

    Rivers and streams, not stinking drains please

    Here’s a topic very close to our hearts. We’ve experienced at first hand, the inconsistency, unfairness and impotence of token gestures by responsible authorities who are afraid or unwilling to tackle the real culprits and instead pick on easy targets. In our case, small, self-builders. The issue in question is river pollution by raw sewage. The source, as outlined in the following article, is overwhelmingly from livestock farming but local authorities have recently taken a hard line stance on any planning applications for private homes. We have a small river flowing through our land and we feel an enormous sense of protective guardianship towards it. Any suggestion of upstream corruption…

  • Events,  Little Changes,  The Good

    And So It Begins…

    The talk is over (or just revving up). This just got real for us. Found some land. A nice little 3 acre block with outline planning – half forest with a river. It’s on the edge of a Welsh village near the mid coast – not the cutesy Beddgelert with the coffee shops and steam railway kind of village. We’re talking no frills and a nationalist Welsh flag-flying neighbour next door. But that’s OK. We GOT THIS! When I say this, I don’t mean that we know in any way how this is going to play out. We have some ideals and core values: sustainability, as off-grid as possible and…

  • Large Scale Change,  The Ugly

    Why Australia’s Mining Boom Will Leave Permanent Scars

    With the coal boom on the wane, mining companies want to escape the cost of rehabilitating their sites. But even if governments effectively restrain them, many of the huge voids in the landscape will never be filled in. The Australian coal industry is dotted with recent examples of major miners selling projects to smaller players at peppercorn prices, unloading both their rehabilitation liabilities and the reputational risks. Rio Tinto, which last year flagged the sale of its Blair Athol mine to the ill-fated Linc Energy, has emerged with a proposed deal to sell it for $1 to a debt-laden junior player called TerraCom, linked to a trio of former state…

  • Events,  Little Changes,  The Good

    Let’s Try A New Way

    RECOVERING EDEN has always been a dream of ours but individually, our lives had some other lessons for us to learn first. I'm Terry, a 61 year old Australian. Mel is 55 and from Wiltshire. We both knew we wanted something different from the life of desperate conformity and relentless capital growth that has brought our existence on this planet to such a precipice. But we ploughed very different furrows until, finally, we were presented with the signs that can no longer be ignored...divorce, disenchantment, burn-out, health issues...a healthy dose of life-sabotage to promote a hand-brake turn onto a new path. Happily, our respective paths converged and our respective slices…

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