Welsh Black Bees

  • Bees…Welsh Black Bees…for Newbees
    Moving bee nucleus frame by frame to new hive (the moment I spot the queen)

    We have our first bees. Details to follow…

    Bees have Arrived
  • Bees on The Brink

    Many species of bee are on the brink of extinction in parts of the UK – and some types have been lost entirely, a report has found.

    Climate changehabitat losspollution and disease are threatening the pollinators, the analysis of 228 species concluded.

    It discovered that 17 species were regionally extinct – including the Great Yellow Bumblebee, the Potter Flower Bee and the Cliff Mason Bee – with 25 types threatened and another 31 of conservation concern.

    The bee’s pollinating services are worth £690m a year to the UK economy.

    Published on World Bee Day, the ‘Bees Under Siege’ report by WWF and Buglife recommends a number of conservation actions to help reverse declines:

    • Ensure that coastal management plans protect coastal habitats and promote the management of sea walls
    • Safeguard wildlife-rich brownfield sites and promote beneficial management
    • Identify opportunities to connect disjointed habitat fragments and promote coordinated management between landowners and landholdings
    • Local authorities can work with and support local communities in urban areas to restore and create new habitats
    • Ongoing survey and monitoring of bee populations
    • Maintain and increase awareness, advice, support and funding for practical delivery projects.
    • The report also called on the new Westminster Environment Bill to be “ambitious enough” to develop a nature recovery network for bees.

    The original article in The Independent can be found here.

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