Subscriber Content

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  • Blog,  Members

    Feather Plucking Fun

    Keeping chickens is fun but every week throws up a new challenge. This week, we have been mostly trying to solve the mystery of the missing bum feathers.Turns out our dear Little Edie has been a-pluckin’ and a-chewin’ those feathers from the derriere of all three of her sisters. This is some perverse sibling rivalry! More likely though, a nutritional deficiency (which we will address).So here’s the Legend of Little Edie…Fastest Feather Plucker in the West.If you like these vids, you can find more at (link in bio).We can also do personalised videos featuring our animated menagerie to order. Just drop us a message.

  • Our Journey to Eden,  Recovering eden,  Subscriber Content,  The Good

    Photo-Art for the Planet

    We are offering original and limited-edition photo-art for sale in a variety of formats. Our goal is to launch as many initiatives as our resources allow to provide ways to reconnect with our natural selves. We want to support and foster a shift toward simpler and more sustainable living alongside greater mental well-being and life satisfaction. You can read more about this in the following post Let’s Try a New Way You can also become a subscriber for access to details on off-grid lifestyle project plans, beekeeping insights and digital access to selected photo-art. We would love to welcome you to our community.

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