Native Bees
Keeping Welsh Native Bees
Bees…Welsh Black Bees…for Newbees
We have our first bees. Details to follow…
Bees on The Brink
Many species of bee are on the brink of extinction in parts of the UK – and some types have been lost entirely, a report has found. Climate change, habitat loss, pollution and disease are threatening the pollinators, the analysis of 228 species concluded. It discovered that 17 species were regionally extinct – including the Great Yellow Bumblebee, the Potter Flower Bee and the Cliff Mason Bee – with 25 types threatened and another 31 of conservation concern. The bee’s pollinating services are worth £690m a year to the UK economy. Published on World Bee Day, the ‘Bees Under Siege’ report by WWF and Buglife recommends a number of conservation actions to help reverse declines: Ensure that…