Australian PM: Coal Industry Defender and Climate Change Denier
In the Guardian Article Scott Morrison and the big lie about climate change: does he think we’re that stupid? Richard Flanagan argues that the Australian PM is so determined to protect the coal mining industry that he even denies the possible influence of climate change in recent devastating droughts and bushfires.
In a year that has seen Australia ravaged by fire, the floods, cyclones and drought, the response of their Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, has amounted to little more than arriving late at the scene with a cuddle.
This stands in sharp contrast to the conviction he has displayed in other guises, such as commander in chief of the Pacific detention camps.
The climate crisis has become Australians’ number one concern but both major parties side-step the issue while those who dare to raise their voice or take action in protest are increasingly subject to prosecution and heavy sentencing.
In Tasmania, the Liberal government intends to legislate sentences of up to 21 years – more than many get for murder – for environmental protest, legislation typical of the new climate of authoritarianism that has flourished under Morrison. As Australia burns, what we are witnessing nationally is no more or less than the criminalisation of democracy in defence of the coal and gas industries.
In this regard, the climate crisis is a war between the voice of coal and the voice of the people. And that war is in Australia being won hands down by the fossil fuel industry.

The Prime Minister is gambling that Australians will keep on buying his overriding lie which was given historic expression last Thursday morning when on national radio the prime minister declared that Australia’s unprecedented bushfires were unconnected to climate change.
On the same day, the New South Wales government announced that Sydney dams had received just 10% of the normal water inflows in the previous year and declared level two water restrictions as numerous country towns face the prospect of no water.
Between 2005 and 2030 Australia’s extraction-based emissions from fossil fuel production will have increased by 95%. By 2040, according to the report, on current projections the world’s annual carbon emissions will be 41 gigatonnes, four times more than the maximum amount of 10 gigatonnes required to keep global heating below 1.5C.
According to the Economist: “The report lays much blame on governments’ generosity to fossil-fuel industries.” The report details at length how Australia supports its fossil fuel industries.
The original Guardian article can be found here.